Sunday, March 14

Ethnography [Post #7]

It is nearing eight at night and I have yet to start my ethnography (other than the first contact story). As I ran through the blogs, I found that a lot of us are confused and/or worried. And I'm a bit glad that I'm not the only one is as well.

This ethnography sounds pretty fun and it is--but I've yet to see it. And then there's compiling the eight hours worth of notes into a well-written and thoughtful 10-page paper.

Damn cursor.

On another note, are there any playwrights around here? I stumbled across this website. It's called Script Frenzy and the basic idea is that you can sign up and send April writing a 100-page play, but you only get the month of April. Sounds fun, right?

Time to tackle this paper...

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