Saturday, March 27

Dreams [Post #5]

I once had a dream about my teeth. Sort of. It was about my braces, more specifically. I dreamed that although I had braces and wore my rubber bands accordingly, when my braces were taken off, my teeth were horribly crooked still! I was terrified, actually. No need for dream interpreters for that one.

Another dream I had was a really long one. It involved a boat, or a measly raft and a long wooden stick. For some reason, I was standing on said raft and rowing myself along a river. It was a deep and rushing river, too. I don't remember much of it, but it was really strange. I only remembered bits and pieces of it because I remembered it was long and...epic? It was like an adventure story, or a fantasy RPG, I think.

My sister often had dreams about life-or-death situations. That or about what would happen the next day. She once dreamed about getting a new tennis racquet--which came true a few days later. But its the life-or-death situations that interest me. They're usually almost like a Harry Potter adventure... Is this normal?

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