Sunday, March 28

Google Chrome is being stupid... [Post #7]

My stupid browser is being lame and not loading all of the class blogs... or FaceBook for that matter. Or my email. It took forever to just get this up.

Anyway, the point of this entry was the ramble about the portfolio introduction. When I opened a new Word document and was all set to begin this end, I realize I have no idea how to start. Are we supposed to be formal? Introduce ourselves by saying, "Hey, hi, I'm (insert name here) and I'm in CIS Composition and this is the final portfolio"? Or just jump in and talk about how we've changed? Are we writing as if it is a letter to our future selves? To Ms. Mork? To a general audience? Are we writing an essay? Or like a cover letter? I have no idea how to begin this. I've Googled a few things but they're pretty specific towards a certain audience and I have no idea who my audience may be--maybe Ms. Mork?

So uh, guys, any thoughts? Ideas?

Also, I can't seem to revise my papers. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh

Saturday, March 27

Freewriting [Post #6]

I'm tired. It's late. Actually, it's only 11:18, but it feels later and I feel more tired because I woke earlier than usual. I usually try to sleep in as much as I can... And I always stay up longer than I tell myself to. I shouldn't end with "to", but I do, anyway because it's the way I speak. I have lotion on my desk. I should study for my Economics final. I actually like the class, I'm rather surprised. I didn't think I'd like the class, but it's interesting. Especially the freakonomics stuff. I'm not sure if I spelled that right and I'm too lazy to fix it. But asking questions like "why do brown eggs cost more than white eggs" is interesting. Interesting is an interesting word. People pronounce it different. People pronounce a lot of other words differently. In-ter-resting, in-ters-ting, in-ner-resting... Huh. Fascinating. Okay, now I'm just tired. I hate writing "okay" as "O.K." I think it's weird and... I just don't like it. I like writing it out like this: "okay". It just looks neater too. "O.K." to me is too informal. I used to type "l1k3 t41$" until I realized how stupid it looked and forever it took to type. I also used to type in various shapes and forms that I wish I hadn't. Stupid little ole me, haha. I still have candy canes on my desk. The drawers are covered in post-it notes. That have little notes on them. Which are reminders that are never going to be remembered because I pretty much ignore it. Which I shouldn't. I'm a messy person. My desk is completely covered in random things and my dad's always saying how I need to clean up. He's a neat freak. My sister is too, but less so. She plays saxophone. Has it been ten minutes yet?

Dreams [Post #5]

I once had a dream about my teeth. Sort of. It was about my braces, more specifically. I dreamed that although I had braces and wore my rubber bands accordingly, when my braces were taken off, my teeth were horribly crooked still! I was terrified, actually. No need for dream interpreters for that one.

Another dream I had was a really long one. It involved a boat, or a measly raft and a long wooden stick. For some reason, I was standing on said raft and rowing myself along a river. It was a deep and rushing river, too. I don't remember much of it, but it was really strange. I only remembered bits and pieces of it because I remembered it was long and...epic? It was like an adventure story, or a fantasy RPG, I think.

My sister often had dreams about life-or-death situations. That or about what would happen the next day. She once dreamed about getting a new tennis racquet--which came true a few days later. But its the life-or-death situations that interest me. They're usually almost like a Harry Potter adventure... Is this normal?

Forgetfulness [Post #4]

I have everything set up. The window to my browser, Google Chrome, is opened. The document on is opened. But all of a sudden, the thoughts that had previously surrounded me shatter and I'm left with a blank.

I absolutely detest it when that happens.

And it happens quite often to me. I find myself staring at the white that is the document and I'd try typing something only to later delete it and give up.

Other times, I write as much as I can but feel I can't post it because it's either a bunch of random nonsense or even too personal to post in public.

Excuse me while I go and eat a banana that's lying on my desk.

Toes [Post #3]

Toes are strange things. There are five of them; five toes, varying in size, on each foot. The big toe, the next two with a similar height that seems to stick together, the fourth toe curves in, and the last, short and stubby toe at the end. When you wiggle them around, you can only really move the ends. The middle are stuck and seem inseparable.


Tuesday, March 23

Writing Prompt [Post #2]

I found this prompt and decided it would be fun to try to write.

You're late for work because you overslept, but your boss hates over-sleepers. He does love entertaining stories, so create the most outlandish excuse as to why you were late.

O-Oh, h-hello there, sir! How are you? N-No, no, sir, I did not oversleep. N-No, of course not, sir. In fact, I was just up and about at the right time--what was that, sir? Yes, sir, I got up at precisely six in this morning. W-Why am I late, sir? Why, sir, that is a most interesting story.

You see, sir, I woke up at precisely at six in the morning, and, like any other human beings, I was tired and decided to mull around for a while. A minute or two later, I managed to push myself off my bed and get started on my morning routine. HOWEVER, sir--

It seems that I had left my window open over night, so when I awoke this morning, I awoke to piles of newspapers--tossed everywhere in every shape and form on my white carpet. Of course, sir, you know me--I have issues with this type of thing. I set about to cleaning them up and made my way over to close the window. W-Where am I getting at, sir? Well--

As I piled all the newspapers into one corner to sort out later today and closed the window, I finally managed to get back to my morning routine. However, I noticed that I was a few minutes off schedule, and thus, I began to hurry. Things seem to be going against me this morning, for I nicked my chin. And, sir, you know me--

I absolutely am faint at the sight of blood. As I ran around, trying to tame the vicious flow of the thick, red liquid, I became light-headed and thus, made my way over to my bed where I lied down. When I was finally able to think once more, I noticed that the window was open--what was that, sir? Get to the point? But, sir, I am, or I will!

You see, sir, a flock of birds had flown right through the open window! Each bird was the size of my thumb, and each one could peck my eyes out. Thus, I ran around, once more, trying to lure the flock of birds into another room where I could lock it.

However, upon reaching my study, I discovered a small, red and white ball. Curious and frantic, I grabbed it and threw it at the flock of birds. The ball burst, bright light shone through and a creature came out!

Yes, sir, I am absolutely telling the truth, sir. A creature! It was the strangest animal I had ever seen, possibly not even a creature, but perhaps some genetically mutilated one. Bright yellow with red, circle cheeks, long, thin ears with a thick, black stripe; brown stripes on its yellow back, small paws and a long, zig-zag tail... this creature saved my life! I don't know how! I closed my eyes because of a bright light, heard a sizzling, and when I opened my eyes again, I found that the flock of birds had left my study.

Sir, the creature turned to look at me and I was afraid it would go for me next... So as I huddled in a corner and willed it to go away, I happened to chance a glance at the clock. When I saw how late it was, I immediately rushed out--regardless of that creature. To be honest, sir, it wasn't very fast. Perhaps it is still waiting for me back at my house...

Hmmm? What, sir? Well, yes, that is all, sir. What? Oh, t-thank you, sir... I won't...over sleep next time.

Monday, March 22

Film Critique [Post #1]

I've just finished my film critique outline. Before starting it, I had no idea how on earth I was supposed to begin this paper. However, after finishing it, it suddenly became a lot easier to understand how to form the film critique. Wow, that really helped!

I also looked over my notes today--from the other day when I viewed my film and took notes. I hadn't realized it, but I took five pages. Huh, that's a lot more than I had thought. But, as I skimmed through it, it was very hard to read. Note to self: must learn how to write notes fast and legible.

On another note, I can't believe there's only six days left! Eekkk!