Sunday, March 28

Google Chrome is being stupid... [Post #7]

My stupid browser is being lame and not loading all of the class blogs... or FaceBook for that matter. Or my email. It took forever to just get this up.

Anyway, the point of this entry was the ramble about the portfolio introduction. When I opened a new Word document and was all set to begin this end, I realize I have no idea how to start. Are we supposed to be formal? Introduce ourselves by saying, "Hey, hi, I'm (insert name here) and I'm in CIS Composition and this is the final portfolio"? Or just jump in and talk about how we've changed? Are we writing as if it is a letter to our future selves? To Ms. Mork? To a general audience? Are we writing an essay? Or like a cover letter? I have no idea how to begin this. I've Googled a few things but they're pretty specific towards a certain audience and I have no idea who my audience may be--maybe Ms. Mork?

So uh, guys, any thoughts? Ideas?

Also, I can't seem to revise my papers. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh

1 comment:

  1. Leyen! I didn't know there were any other Chrome users out there. I thought I was the only one. I feel much less lonesome now.
